Behaviour & Training - Group Classes
5 week classes
The first class is a “Puppy-free orientation”.
Indoor venue @ Habitat Byron Industrial Estate
4/5 Easy Street Byron Bay
* This indoor location is safe and secure, free from roaming dogs.
Floors and equipment will be cleaned and disinfected using veterinary hospital-grade disinfectant (F10)
Must have proof of 1st Vaccination
Next available classes for booking:
Puppy Parents will receive expert advice on:
Positive reinforcement/force-free principles for effective learning.
What SOCIALISATION really is!
How to shape behaviours rather than teaching pups to follow food lures.
Navigating fear periods during your pup’s development.
Environmental management strategies to prevent unwanted behaviours at home.
Prepare your puppy for vet visits and grooming through comfortable handling.
Interpretation of canine body language and communication cues.
Comprehensive coverage of puppy challenges: nipping, chewing, house training, addressed with kindness and compassion.
Techniques to ensure your puppy comes when called by teaching fun and engaging games.
Preventive measures for resource guarding, leash reactivity, separation distress, and more as your pup develops.
Puppies will learn:
To respond to their name and focus on you.
To enjoy being handled, held by their collar, and put on a lead.
The value of calm positions (sit & down) to earn all the good things in life (rewards/reinforcement)
The value of walking by their guardian’s side in “reinforcement zone” rather than pulling out in front when on lead.
To be empowered by showing self-control/ impulse control through games of choice (Susan Garretts foundation game “Its yer choice”)
Reliable recall training: coming when called.
Play tug, fetch, and other engaging games.
Body awareness and confidence-building exercises.
Social skills with dogs and people – when to meet, greet and play vs when to ignore.
Crate training/mat training/ bed training
Relaxation skills to promote calm behaviour.
8 week course
Bangalow Public School.
The class will run for 8 consecutive weeks.
The first class is a “dog-free orientation”.
Next available classes for booking:
Starts Mar 22
480 Australian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts Mar 23
480 Australian dollarsLoading availability...
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Games based learning
Goal: for dogs to grow their motivation and desire to focus and listen to you instead of being distracted by other dogs and the environment.
Info will also be provided on:
1. The benefits of Force-Free, Positive Reinforcement training
2. Dog body language/communication
3. How dogs learn
4. Normal dog behaviour
5. How to manage undesirable behaviour.
Basic Verbal Cues learned: "come", "leave it", "on your bed", "to me" (heel), "stay", "break" (release cue), etc...
8 week course
On lead class.
The first class is a “dog-free orientation”.
The class will run for 8 consecutive weeks.
Course description:
This course builds on the foundations learnt in Doggie Manners: RECALL, IMPULSE CONTROL, LOOSE LEAD WALKING & BED TRAINING (CALMNESS).
Dogs must complete Doggie Manners course prior to attending TRICKS & Agility Prep classes to ensure dogs have the skills to remain relatively calm and focused around other dogs.
Exceptions can be made. Please contact Michelle to discuss.
Info will be provided on:
Clicker training
How & why reinforcement-based training works
The power of permission & release cues
When to use food vs toy rewards
GAMES BASED LEARNING = The benefits of layered shaping and targeting to create behaviours
What to do when your dog makes a “mistake” without the use of corrections/punishment.
Dogs will learn:
Nose, paw and body targeting
Tricks like “Wave paw”
Perch work, pivots & spins
Agility prep skills:
Choice games
Cone work and teaching turns
Basic contacts on a beginner dog walk
Body awareness and conditioning exercises for strength, mobility & to prevent injury.
8 week course
Participants must complete T&A INTRO course to attend this CASUAL class as it builds on the skills learned in the INTRO course.